Karate Kid (2010)
Ordinary World: Dre is a normal twelve year old who likes to skateboard. His dad has died. He and his mom are moving to China because of her work. Dre struggles with the move, trying to fit in and find friends. "We moved to China! That's what happened."
Call: Bullies keep beating Dre up. Mr. Han defends him and treats his wounds. They go try to make peace with the teacher. Instead they end up with a challenge to fight them one-on-one at a tournament. "The boy will fight there."
Refusal: Dre is surprised and skeptical when he learns of the challenge. He believes they will kill him because of the way they have been taught. "So the bad news is now they get to beat me up in public."
Mentor: Mr. Han decides to teach Dre real kung fu. He has him doing exercises with his jacket and Dre is not sure he is learning anything. "Jacket on. Jacket off."
Threshold: Dre starts to connect with the kung fu a little bit. He is still not very good, but he is learning and starting to understand what it's about. "Kung fu lives in everything we do...everything is kung fu."
Tests, Allies, Enemies: He continues training with Mr. Han. They do many exercises and hike to the Dragon Well. Dre learns focus and chi. His mom, Mr. Han, and Mei Ying are supporting him. The bullies continue being his enemies from a distance. "There is only one person you need to learn to control."
Approach: Dre and Mei Ying skip school to take a break. She almost misses her audition. Her parents won't let her be his friend anymore. "We can no longer be friends. You are bad for my life." Mr. Han mourns about his wife and son's death. They use kung fu to work through things. Dre's training intensifies.
Ordeal: It is time for the tournament. Although he starts out shaky, Dre ends up in the semi finals and he has to face one of his bullies. Liang's coach tells him to break Dre. Dre is hurt badly and they don't want him to go on. "I'm sorry, you should not continue."
Reward: Dre finds a true friend in Mr. Han. He gains confidence as well as respect for his mother. He also earns approval from Mei Ying's father. "You're the best friend I ever had, Mr. Han."
Road Back: Dre doesn't want to quit. He is still scared and wants to face his fear so he can overcome it. "I don't want to be scared anymore." Mr. Han heals his leg so he can finish the fight.
Resurrection: Dre returns to the fight. Cheng's coach tells him to break his leg. "Finish him!" In his pain, Dre manages to get up. Calling on the things he has learned, he defeats Cheng despite his injured leg.
Return: Dre wins the tournament and wins his bullies respect as well. Cheng presents him with his trophy. All of his bullies bow to Mr. Han.
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